Common rules of online dating

of site you select to "go shopping" for a potential partner. What type of
information you place on the site in terms of quality of image and how much time
you spend on your profile information.
Online dating is much like anything else in life you get back if you put in.
if your looking for a potential partner online for sex, romance, love or
friendship you should put in the effort. Most people can spot a rushed profile
description a mile off and will simply move on to the next profile. Also
consider using an up to date quality image of yourself, bad pictures almost
always equal bad results online. Women in general can get away with much more in
terms of poor quality profiling because guys will tend to make contact
Use current up to date information always! No exceptions, why put up a 10
year old picture of yourself? Fake or dated misleading information serves no
one, if you want to live a fantasy then don't do it at someone else's expense.
Go to a role playing type website and practice your self delusion there. Make
sure you know what type of site your on - do your research. No use placing an ad
or responding to ads on a
swingers, gay or lesbian site if your heterosexual, there are plenty of
niche dating sites online these days so you don't have to search for long to
find something that will suit you.
After you make contact with people don't be afraid to check them out via
private chat and even better use the web cam chat rooms so you can in fact see
who it is your talking with. Look for some type of profile verification feature
on the site and never be in a rush to have a face to face meeting. spend some
time to build a relationship online and develop some trust, after you feel at
ease then you can move to maybe telephone contact and then personal. Women
should be very cautious and don't be afraid to take a friend or two to a first
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