One secret to make your dating profile a success

You can ask me: “Great photo, thanx! But why have you told us this story?”
The answer is simple: “Don not make the same mistake as this girl who pretended to be Ewa Sonnet!” When you fill your profile on a dating site write only true facts (of course, you can make them a bit brighter). If you love cats – write about it. Why? Because if a babe you’ve met online ask you about it, you can tell interesting facts. And the main thing – post ONLY real photos but… It’s not so simple as think:
- don’t post photos where you are not alone or with your girl-friend (it’s always difficult to explain where you are in the photo and a great minus as 80% of girls do not respond to your profile with a group photo);
- don’t post photos of low quality (I hope you (or one of friends) have a digital photo-camera so make a good photo of your own);
- it’s better to post 2 or three photos (she would have a chance to examine you from all sides);
- do not forget about your clothes, it’s better not to post nude photos (it possible if you place your profile on special sites). The best thing if your clothes will strengthen your best qualities and hide your weak points (you can send her you nude photos later or strip at the end of your first date);
- make the optimal size of your photos;
- write something down (a slogan or your motto) on one of your photos (PhotoShop program will help you) to make it more attractive.
That’s all for today, next time I will tell you what you should write in “A few words bout yourself” field. Thank you, post your comments to make my posts more interactive.
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